All systems engineers and IT managers that have any responsibilty in their companys security systems should keep themselves updated with the latest exploits and techniques used by hackers.
We are listing below the sites that I use and keep an eye on to ensure the systems that are important to my network and customers are not affected.
Currently down, but coming back soon - Was always great for discussions and info on the latest exploits.
A searchable library of exploits in just about anything searchable by OS - check it out to ensure your business systems aren’t affected.
Another site that lists security advisories - see how insecure Apple OSX is here…..
A cross site scripting resource database with lists of vulnerable websites, also has information on defending against XSS attacks.
Basically a security news site that also has lists of the latest exploits and vulnerabilities.
It’s always a good idea to try to get into the heads of the people who are trying to attack corporate networks. Keeping an eye on these sites gives you an insight into the minds and motivations of these people.